What is Stations?
A 4.5 day fully immersive experience where participants will learn the skills, tools and principles of living an “on mission” lifestyle.
Controlled adversity days
Day 1: Intake/Onboarding
Day 2: Culminating event
Recovery day
Day 3: Self care, fellowship & Introduction to on mission living.
Mission mapping:
Day 4: Developing the mission & learning the system.
Day 5: Fellowship, coaching, preparing to return to “normal life”
What its not:
This is not a retreat. Participants will be challenged within their capabilities.
This is not a mock bootcamp or selection school.
This is not “self help” this is mental, physical and spiritual development
This is not a program for “broken people.” We aren’t “fixing” people. We are collecting assets. Your knowledge and experience matters to our mission!
- Build upon confidence, resiliency and courage by committing to something new and different.
- Build upon discipline, humility and perseverance by enduring through controlled adversity.
- Learn to identify and do away with negative/unproductive thoughts and behaviors.
- Develop a mission statement, ethos, clear and actionable objectives and generate a personal oath
- Manage your existing resources and identify network resources
- Experience deeper connections and fulfillment by deploying the lessons in your daily life.
Controlled adversity days
Day 1: Intake/Onboarding
Day 2: Culminating event
Recovery day
Day 3: Self care, fellowship & Introduction to on mission living.
Mission mapping:
Day 4: Developing the mission & learning the system.
Day 5: Fellowship, coaching, preparing to return to “normal life”
What its not:
This is not a retreat. Participants will be challenged within their capabilities.
This is not a mock bootcamp or selection school.
This is not “self help” this is mental, physical and spiritual development
This is not a program for “broken people.” We aren’t “fixing” people. We are collecting assets. Your knowledge and experience matters to our mission!